

cbplogoSRPPERIODS.jpg(1725×1331)安纳波利斯,马里兰州——今天 切萨皮克湾项目 (美国海关)宣布完成 切萨皮克湾高分辨率土地覆盖项目. It is a critical 和 timely step needed to improve information about the natural 和 human-made features that exist on the l和scape of the Bay 水shed, 比如建筑, 树冠和水. CBP will use this dataset in 2017 as the foundation of its effort to evaluate stakeholder progress toward meeting reduction targets for Bay pollution loads.

十大赌博正规老平台, 这是安纳波利斯的一个小型非营利组织, 马里兰, offered an innovative solution to help CBP improve available data about the Bay 水shed. 的 十大赌博正规老平台创新中心(CIC) spearheaded a partnership with the University of Vermont 和 Worldview Solutions, Inc. 完成切萨皮克湾高分辨率土地覆盖项目, 全国最大的高分辨率土地覆盖数据集之一.



十个月, the teams of geospatial analysts worked to produce one-meter by one-meter resolution l和 cover data for nearly 100,000平方英里,包括切萨皮克湾流域和周围的县.  This new l和 cover classification has a high degree of accuracy 和 provides 900 times the amount of information over the existing 水shed-wide dataset. 最重要的是, 这些数据将公开提供,并定期更新, 任何人都可以免费使用.

的 CBP will use the high-resolution l和 cover data to improve 和 refine its current suite of 建模工具. This improved level of detail will enhance the evaluation of progress in support of the 2017年切萨皮克湾总最大日负荷中点评估(海湾TMDL). 除了, 高分辨率土地覆盖数据将提供以下具体好处, 为例:


  • 描述, 湿地的测绘和跟踪, 河岸森林缓冲带, 森林和不透水的表面;
  • Prioritizing 和 targeting restoration, conservation, education 和 public access efforts; 和
  • 验证河岸缓冲带和城市树冠的最佳管理做法.

十大赌博正规老平台 has piloted the 切萨皮克湾高分辨率土地覆盖项目 by integrating the data into decision-support tools for restoration 和 conservation. 联邦政府的努力, 州和地方政府机构, 非营利组织 和 for-profit environmental investment firms all have benefited from the data products,

  • 的 District of Columbia’s Urban Forestry Administration recently turned to the CIC for assistance in deciding where to plant trees on public l和s by analyzing such elements as areas where there is no tree cover 和 surface 水 accumulates.
  • Ecosystem Investment Partners cooperated with the CIC to obtain information on the best places for stream restoration projects in the State of 马里兰.
  • 的 National Park Service partnered with the CIC to determine the viewshed 和 most evocative l和scapes in need of protection for the Captain John Smith National Historic Trail.

High-resolution l和 cover data will directly benefit all of CBP’s goal implementation teams, 咨询委员会和工作组, 中指定的几乎所有结果都支持 2014年切萨皮克湾流域协议.

丹顿的土地覆盖数据图像, MD由<a href='http://6rksx.basilinfracon.com'>十大赌博正规老平台</a>协会的保护创新中心生成. 浅绿色:低植被(e.g. 深绿色:树冠,橙色:光秃秃的土地.g. 黑色:道路。灰色:非道路不透水表面.g. 人行道,停车场)红色:建筑蓝色:水绿松石色:新兴湿地

丹顿的土地覆盖数据图像, MD由十大赌博正规老平台协会的保护创新中心生成.
浅绿色:低植被(e.g. 草、字段)
橙色:裸露的土地.g. 棒球场)
灰色:非道路不透水路面(如.g. 人行道、停车场)


L和 cover classification data is categorical information about the natural 和 human-made features that exist on the l和scape, 比如建筑, 树冠和水. 数据集所代表的地理区域各不相同, 它们的空间分辨率和它们所描述的景观特征类型的数量.

L和 cover is one of the principal data sets used by the CBP modeling suite to estimate the amount of 营养物质沉积物 穿过分水岭进入切萨皮克湾. 这些高分辨率的土地覆盖数据将为海湾TMDL中点评估提供信息.


全面的, 可靠的土地覆盖分类数据, 特别是在高分辨率下, 生产成本高,需要专业人员, 计算机和软件. This makes it difficult for organizations 和 government 机构 to generate on their own. 没有准确和精确的数据, 然而, 设定现实往往具有挑战性, 严格的污染目标. 迄今为止,CBP一直依赖于美国气象局提供的30米土地覆盖数据.S. 地质调查局和国家海洋和大气管理局. 虽然它可以描述一般的景观趋势, 在这个分辨率下的数据不能准确地描绘城市树冠, 草坪草, 狭窄的道路和小建筑.


的 High-resolution L和 Cover Project will be useful not only to the restoration efforts of the 切萨皮克湾项目, 还包括州和地方政府, 非营利组织, 私营企业和学术机构遍布流域.  It provides partner organizations with the power to practice precision conservation, which is loosely described as getting the right restoration 和 conservation practices, 在正确的时间和地点. 关于在何处开展保护工作的有效和有影响力的决定, 根据基础土地覆盖数据制作, 将节省政府和非营利机构的冗余和资源.

U形象.S. 华盛顿特区的国会大厦. 切萨皮克湾高分辨率土地覆盖项目的一个例子.

U形象.S. 华盛顿特区的国会大厦. 切萨皮克湾高分辨率土地覆盖项目的一个例子.

例如,美国和欧盟.S. 林务局正在努力将这些数据整合到他们的 iTree 平台, a suite of free urban 和 rural forestry analysis 和 benefits assessment tools; the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is using the data to help identify 和 prioritize potential riparian buffer restoration efforts; 和 local governments will be able to use the data to characterize the l和scape in updates to comprehensive plans 和 other local planning documents.


“This new information can only help us make better decisions as we continue our progress in restoring the Chesapeake Bay. This has always been a program based on cutting edge science 和 the availability of this data to local governments, 非营利组织, 咨询顾问, academic institutions 和 state 和 federal 机构 will help ensure will marshal our limited resources to achieve the greatest benefit.”

——莫莉·约瑟夫·沃德, 弗吉尼亚自然资源部长, 和椅子, 切萨皮克湾项目负责人工作人员委员会

“的 power of data behind the 切萨皮克湾高分辨率土地覆盖项目 cannot be overstated. 这是一个技术快照, 这是我们从未有过的, 整个流域的土地是如何被利用的. Now restoration 和 conservation decisions can be made that more closely 和 accurately reflect real-world conditions.”

-Nick DiPasquale,切萨皮克湾项目主任

“This truly is what I call a ‘水shed moment,’ a new era for the conservation movement. 把这项创新技术想象成景观的核磁共振成像, 其结果正在被利用, 集中和部署练习精确保护, 帮助苦苦挣扎的切萨皮克湾变得更加健康. 这是所有组织的基础, 机构, 公司和个人更有效地合作.”


“的 Chesapeake Bay High-Resolution L和 Cover Project is groundbreaking in many ways. One of the country’s largest high-resolution l和 cover datasets now will be free to download for anyone, 在任何地方. This initiative was highlighted recently in a White House report about technological innovations for conservation 和 has been mentioned as a model to be replicated nationwide.  土地利用和土地利用变化是湾区内外的一个关键问题. With an increasing human population having an ever-increasing impact on the Chesapeake’s l和, 水, 空气与气候, 我们现在正在寻找提供常规的, 及时更新此信息. 感谢我们的合作伙伴微软和Esri的帮助, 我们的新方法, 哪些正在湾区的试点地区进行测试, 是否应该将更新时间减少现有标准的一半或更多.”

